Bus Fair
Oakridge, OR, USA
How God Worked!!
Bus Fair did not exactly go as planned! Satan was fast at work. When the people of God are moving with the Spirit, Satan cannot stand it. But our God is greater! Grace was sick the entire time with a fever, coughing, headaches, and more. We were not able to engage with people because we did not want to expose others to what she may have. We have since found out she has pneumonia. We decided to go to the festival because we thought she might get better. It had been a week of sickness; however, relief never came. Finally, Grace is getting better and is resting and recooperating. Though Satan tried to cut us down, we still used every opportunity to impart the love of Jesus with those we could interact with. Pray that the recover is quick because she is still weary and struggling to breath. Pray that the rest is helpful and that we will be able to adapt back to the different climates as we begin to attend events and festivals in these different areas.