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Weird Wild West (2023)

Bisbee, AZ, USA

How God Worked!

Weird Wild West was definitely just that, WEIRD!! But it was great! We met so many wonderful people from so all different walks of life. Each had a story to tell and most wanted to tell it. The people there and the townspeople we encountered were very open and accepting. We had great conversations with many people about spirituality, God, Jesus, the bible, morality, and so much more. Some said they would visit our church if we had one and even started calling Paul, Pastor Paul.

This event in Bisbee felt more like what we were expecting when traveling to meet with digital nomads. A tight group of vanlifers learning about each other and their builds with friends meeting up again and new friendships getting built among them. God blessed us as we camped near a pretty large group of caravaners. We met one of the ladies that arrived late. She ran into our awning! But because of that, we got a chance meet her and talk with her. The next day we went to an event and joined a class. Later we got back from that class to find out the teacher and a few that attended were actually our neighbors who happened to be friends of the lady that ran into our awning! We got to spend some time with a few of the members of the group and even shared the gospel with them. We hope to make plans to meet with them again at other events that we are going to as well as just to get together when we are in the same area. God is helping us to make friends fast!

We also got a chance to have conversations with people that were walking by and checking out the many vans in the area. We shared the gospel and had the opportunity to dispel some misconceptions about the faith and point people to Jesus.

Overall we believe we had success. We met many travellers who we believe God will bring us back around. We also have established ourselves as Christians who want to share the message of God to those in whom we come in contact with. And that we are just some cool folks!

Our next event will bring us back to Southern California to a van expo. We will be camping on site and hope that we will get a chance to be around another group of people who we can connect and minister.

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